Wellness at Work

I had the absolute pleasure of working with the women of Spinmaster for their ‘Women Empowerment Network’.

I kicked off the morning with an immune boosting juice tasting session and explained the health benefits behind juicing and the ingredients. Following the juicing session I held 121 Health & Wellness sessions with women to discuss any Health & Wellness issues and to lend a friendly ear to anything also going on in their life. This also allows a safe space for team member to offload life stresses and anything on their mind.

So what is a Wellness Event?

A wellness event is an educational and fun way for teams to learn, try on and practice wellness tools and techniques to see what works for them and create longer term healthier habits and routines that support their personal and professional growth, installing a culture of care.

This is achieved by:

  • Finding sustainable and practical solutions and daily routines that alleviate stress and burnout, build energy levels, enhance focus and emotional resilience at work.

  • Bringing teams together to work more cohesively, inclusively and productively in pursuit of common goals and results.

  • Creating safe spaces for open conversation that bring awareness to the triggers in the workplace that create anxiety and overwhelm and discuss the best practices that can help reduce the impact of these on individuals or the team as a whole. Are you ready to understand the wellness goals and motivations of individuals and how you can support and hold them accountable to achieve them.

Please contact me if you would like more information.


Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie


Calm that Mind